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Author: T. Shintake


G. Lambert et al., “Seeding High Gain Harmonic Generation with Laser Harmonics produced in Gases”, in Proc. 9th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'04), Lucerne, Switzerland, Jul. 2004, paper MOPKF029, pp. 363-365.
G. Lambert et al., “Seeding the FEL of the SCSS Phase 1 Facility with the 13th Laser Harmonic of a Ti: Sa Laser (61.5 nm) Produced in Xe Gas”, in Proc. 27th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'05), Palo Alto, CA, USA, Aug. 2005, paper MOOC004, pp. XX-XX.
G. Lambert et al., “Seeding the FEL of the SCSS Phase 1 Facility with the 13th Laser Harmonic of a Ti: Sa Laser Produced in Gas”, in Proc. 10th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'06), Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 2006, paper MOPCH002, pp. 44-46.
G. Lambert et al., “Seeding the FEL of the SCSS Prototype Accelerator with Harmonics of a Ti:Sa Laser Produced in Gas.”, in Proc. 28th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'06), Berlin, Germany, Aug.-Sep. 2006, paper MOPPH046, pp. 138-141.
G. Lambert et al., “Seeding the FEL of the SCSS Test Accelerator with the 5th Harmonic of a Ti: Sa Laser Produced in Gases”, in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08), Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2008, paper MOPC018, pp. 109-111.
H. Baba, K. Sato, K. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto, T. Shintake, and J. S. Oh, “Pulsed Modulator for C-Band Klystron”, in Proc. 1st Asian Particle Accelerator Conf. (APAC'98), Tsukuba, Japan, Mar. 1998, paper 4D031, pp. 160-162.
H. Hanaki et al., “Construction of Injector System for SPring-8 X-FEL”, in Proc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10), Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper TUPEC007, pp. 1722-1724.
H. Hanaki et al., “Construction of Injector System for SPring-8 X-FEL”, in Proc. 25th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'10), Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2010, paper TUP014, pp. 425-427.
H. Hanaki et al., “Injector System for X-ray FEL at SPring-8”, in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08), Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2008, paper MOPC010, pp. 85-87.
H. Hara, H. Kitamura, and T. Shintake, “Electron Beam Simulations on the SCSS Accelerator”, in Proc. 26th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. & 11th FEL Users Workshop (FEL'04), Trieste, Italy, Aug.-Sep. 2004, paper TUPOS20, pp. XX-XX.

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