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Author: F.-J. Decker


W. Wittmer et al., “Commissioning the 90o Lattice for the PEP II High Energy Ring”, in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08), Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2008, paper WEPP044, pp. 2617-2619.
Y. Cai et al., “Luminosity Improvement at PEP-II Based on Optics Model and Beam-beam Simulation”, in Proc. 10th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'06), Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 2006, paper MOPLS052, pp. 661-663.
Y. Ding et al., “Results From the LCLS X-Band Transverse Deflector With Femtosecond Temporal Resolution”, in Proc. 27th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'14), Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2014, paper THIOB03, pp. 819-823.
Y. T. Ding et al., “Femtosecond Electron Beam and X-ray Beams at the Linac Coherent Light Source”, in Proc. 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper TUPEA086, pp. 1316-1318.
Y. T. Ding et al., “Start-to-End Simulations of the LCLS Accelerator and FEL Performance at Very Low Charge”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper WE5RFP040, pp. 2355-2357.
Y. T. Yan et al., “Precision Measurement and Improvement of Optics for e+, e- Storage Rings”, in Proc. 10th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'06), Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 2006, paper WEPCH062, pp. 2065-2067.
Y. T. Yan et al., “Virtual Accelerator for Accelerator Optics Improvement”, in Proc. 21st Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'05), Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper MPPE058, pp. 3426-3428.
Y. T. Yan, Y. Cai, W. S. Colocho, and F.-J. Decker, “Validation of PEP-II Resonantly Excited Turn-by-Turn BPM Data”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper THPAS070, pp. 3645-3647.
Z. Huang et al., “Measurement of Femtosecond LCLS Bunches Using the SLAC A-line Spectrometer”, in Proc. 24th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'11), New York, NY, USA, Mar.-Apr. 2011, paper THP183, pp. 2459-2461.
Z. Huang et al., “Measurements of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and its Impact on the LCLS Electron Beam”, in Proc. 30th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'08), Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2008, paper TUPPH027, pp. 298-301.

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