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Author: A. V. Aleksandrov


Y. Liu, A. V. Aleksandrov, C. D. Long, and C. C. Peters, “Parasitic Profile Measurement of 1 MW Neutron Production Beam at SNS Superconducting Linac”, in Proc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10), Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper MOPE101, pp. 1221-1223.
Y. Liu, A. V. Aleksandrov, C. D. Long, A. A. Menshov, and A. P. Zhukov, “Laser Wire Based Transverse Emittance Measurement of H- Beam at Spallation Neutron Source”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 879-881.
Y. Liu, A. V. Aleksandrov, and C. D. Long, “Time-Resolved H? Beam Emittance Measurement at the SNS Linac Using a Laser Comb”, in Proc. 12th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'21), Campinas, Brazil, May 2021, pp. 4545-4547.
Y. Liu et al., “Laser Wire Based Parallel Profile Scan of H- Beam at the Superconducting Linac of Spallation Neutron Source”, in Proc. 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper THOAB101, pp. 3090-3092.
Y. Liu et al., “Laser System Design and Operation for SNS H- Beam Laser Stripping”, in Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, pp. 57-59.
Y. Liu et al., “Laser Based Diagnostics for Measuring H- Beam Parameters”, in Proc. 24th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'11), New York, NY, USA, Mar.-Apr. 2011, paper WEOCN1, pp. 1433-1437.
W. Blokland, A. V. Aleksandrov, S. M. Cousineau, D. A. Malyutin, and A. A. Starostenko, “Electron Scanner for SNS Ring Profile Measurements”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUOA03, pp. 155-157.
W. Blokland et al., “SNS Laser Profile Monitor Progress”, in Proc. 9th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'04), Lucerne, Switzerland, Jul. 2004, paper THPLT167, pp. 2852-2854.
V. V. Danilov et al., “Possible Experiments on Wave Function Localization Due to Compton Scattering”, in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'13), Pasadena, CA, USA, Sep.-Oct. 2013, paper WEPBA16, pp. 919-921.
V. V. Danilov et al., “Laser Stripping of H- beams: Theory and Experiments”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper THYKI02, pp. 2582-2586.

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