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Author: Y. Sato


K. Futatsukawa, Z. Fang, Y. Fukui, Y. Sato, and S. Shinozaki, “Development of New LLRF System at the J-PARC Linac”, in Proc. 29th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'18), Beijing, China, Sep. 2018, pp. 233-235.
K. Yamada et al., “Construction of New Injector LINAC at RIBF”, in Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications (Cyclotrons'10), Lanzhou, China, Sep. 2010, paper MOPCP025, pp. 102-104.
Y. Hirao et al., “HIMAC Project at NIRS-Japan”, in Proc. 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'90), Nice, France, Jun. 1990, pp. 280-283.
M. Kanazawa et al., “Status of HIMAC Construction at NIRS - Japan”, in Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'92), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 1992, pp. 176-179.
K. Sato et al., “Status Report on HIMAC”, in Proc. 4th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'94), London, UK, Jun.-Jul. 1994, pp. 412-417.
Y. Kamiya et al., “A Future Project of VUV and Soft X-ray High-Brilliant Light Source in Japan”, in Proc. 4th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'94), London, UK, Jun.-Jul. 1994, pp. 639-642.
K. Noda et al., “Beam Test on Ring Property in HIMAC Synchrotron”, in Proc. 4th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'94), London, UK, Jun.-Jul. 1994, pp. 982-985.
M. Kanazawa et al., “Beam Acceleration with the Digital Beam Feedback in HIMAC Synchrotron”, in Proc. 4th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'94), London, UK, Jun.-Jul. 1994, pp. 1972-1975.
M. Kumada et al., “The HIMAC Very Low Ripple Synchrotron”, in Proc. 4th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'94), London, UK, Jun.-Jul. 1994, pp. 2338-2341.
T. Kitayama, N. Kawakami, Y. Sato, A. Shibayama, Y. Uno, and Y. Watanabe, “High-Speed, High-Accuracy Magnet Power Supply Using FET Chopper for Synchrotron Facility”, in Proc. 13th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'89), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1989, pp. 1145-1148.

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