R. Haseitl, C. A. Andre, F. Becker, and P. Forck, “ProfileView - A Data Acquisition System for Beam Induced Fluorescence Monitors”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper MOPD42, pp. 134-136. |
F. Becker et al., “Beam Induced Fluoresence Monitor and Imaging Spectrography of Different Working Gases”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPB02, pp. 161-163. |
E. Guetlich, W. Ensinger, P. Forck, and B. Walasek-H?Âhne, “High Current Ion Beam Investigations on Inorganic Scintillation Screens”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPB04, pp. 167-169. |
V. Kamerdzhiev, C. B?Âhme, J. Dietrich, P. Forck, T. Giacomini, and D. A. Liakin, “Beam Test of the FAIR IPM Prototype in COSY”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPB12, pp. 191-193. |
U. Rauch, P. Forck, P. H??lsmann, P. Kowina, and P. Moritz, “Baseband Tune Measurements at GSI SIs-18 using Direct Digitized BPM Signals”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPD16, pp. 324-326. |
T. Milosic, P. Forck, and D. A. Liakin, “Longitudinal Emittance Measurement Using Particle Detectors”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPD18, pp. 330-332. |
M. Schwickert, P. Forck, T. Giacomini, P. Kowina, H. Reeg, and A. Schl?Ârit, “Beam Diagnostic Developments for FAIR”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper WEOA04, pp. 424-426. |
P. Forck, “Minimal Invasive Beam Profile Monitors for High Intense Hadron Beams”, in Proc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10), Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper TUZMH01, pp. 1261-1265. |
L. Groening et al., “Status of the FAIR 70 MeV Proton Linac”, in Proc. 26th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'12), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep. 2012, paper THPB034, pp. 927-929. |
N. Chauvin et al., “Status of the FAIR Proton Source and LEBT”, in Proc. 27th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'14), Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2014, paper THPP015, pp. 863-865. |