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Author: P. Piot


T. Sen et al., “Expected Results From Channeling Radiation Experiments at Fast”, in Proc. 7th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, pp. 1873-1876.
M. B. Andorf, P. Piot, V. A. Lebedev, and J. Ruan, “Nonlinear Phase Distortion in a Ti:Sapphire Optical Amplifier for Optical Stochastic Cooling”, in Proc. 7th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, pp. 3024-3027.
M. B. Andorf, P. Piot, V. A. Lebedev, and J. Ruan, “Light Optics for Optical Stochastic Cooling”, in Proc. 7th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, pp. 3028-3031.
M. B. Andorf, P. Piot, and V. A. Lebedev, “Simulations of Optical Stochastic Cooling with ELEGANT”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3354-3357.
M. B. Andorf and P. Piot, “Planned Detection and Amplification of Infared Synchrotron Radiation for Electron-Beam Diagnostics and Manipulations”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3358-3360.
A. Halavanau et al., “Transverse-to-Longitudinal Photocathode Distribution Imaging”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3361-3363.
A. Halavanau et al., “Magnetized and Flat Beam Generation at the Fermilab's FAST Facility”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3364-3367.
A. Halavanau et al., “Bunch Compression of Flat Beams”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3368-3371.
A. Halavanau and P. Piot, “Electron Beam Pattern Rotation as a Method of Tunable Bunch Train Generation”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3372-3375.
A. Lueangaramwong, P. Piot, and G. Andonian, “Application of Transverse-to-Longitudinal Phase-Space-Exchanged Beam Produced from a Nano-Structure Photocathode to a Soft X-Ray Free-Electron Laser”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 3379-3381.

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