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Author: T. J. Shea


J. Xu, J. Claus, E. Raka, A. G. Ruggiero, and T. J. Shea, “The Transverse Damper System for RHIC”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 1422-1425.
K. Ammigan et al., “The RaDIATE High-Energy Proton Materials Irradiation Experiment at the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer Facility”, in Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, pp. 3593-3596.
L. Segui et al., “A Micromegas Based Neutron Detector for the ESS Beam Loss Monitoring”, in Proc. 7th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'18), Shanghai, China, Sep. 2018, pp. 211-214.
L. Segui et al., “Characterization and First Beam Loss Detection with One ESS-nBLM System Detector”, in Proc. 8th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'19), Malmö, Sweden, Sep. 2019, pp. 29-35.
M. A. Plum et al., “SNS Ring Commissioning Results”, in Proc. 10th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'06), Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 2006, paper MOPCH131, pp. 351-353.
M. A. Plum, T. J. Shea, S. Assadi, L. Doolittle, P. Cameron, and R. Connolly, “Diagnostic Challenges at SNS”, in Proc. 6th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'03), Mainz, Germany, May 2003, paper IT08, pp. XX-XX.
M. G. Ibison et al., “Designing the European Spallation Source Tuning Dump Beam Imaging System”, in Proc. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 3374-3377.
M. G. Ibison et al., “Optical System Design for The ESS Proton Beam and Target Diagnostics”, in Proc. 7th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 2016, pp. 347-349.
M. Jarosz, A. Jansson, J. C. Kazantzidis, T. J. Shea, and L. Tchelidze, “ESS Cold LINAC BLM Locations Determination”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 1039-1041.
O. Tuske et al., “ESS Emittance Measurements at INFN CATANIA”, in Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, pp. 123-125.

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