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A. B. J. Wilhelm and C. Gerth, “Synchrotron Radiation Monitor for Bunch-Resolved Beam Energy Measurements at FLASH”, in Proc. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'09), Basel, Switzerland, May 2009, paper TUPD43, pp. 399-401. |
A. Kuhl et al., “Comparative Analysis of Different Electro-Optical Intensity Modulator Candidates for the New 40 GHz Bunch Arrival Time Monitor System for FLASH and European XFEL”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'13), Oxford, UK, Sep. 2013, paper WEPC41, pp. 782-785. |
A. Penirschke et al., “Grounded Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines as Pickups for Beam Position Monitoring in Particle Accelerators”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'13), Oxford, UK, Sep. 2013, paper TUPC29, pp. 438-441. |
B. D. Muratori, C. Gerth, and N. Vinokurov, “Space Charge Effects for the ERL Prototype at Daresbury Laboratory”, in Proc. 9th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'04), Lucerne, Switzerland, Jul. 2004, paper MOPKF060, pp. 446-448. |
B. D. Muratori, C. Gerth, H. L. Owen, M. J. de Loos, and S. B. van der Geer, “Space Charge Effects for the ERL Prototype Injector Line at Daresbury Laboratory”, in Proc. 21st Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'05), Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper RPPT020, pp. 1676-1678. |
B. Steffen et al., “Electro-Optical Bunch Length Detection at the European XFEL”, in Proc. 39th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'19), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 2019, pp. 360-363. |
B. Steffen, M. K. Czwalinna, C. Gerth, and P. Peier, “First Electro-Optical Bunch Length Measurements from the European XFEL”, in Proc. 7th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'18), Shanghai, China, Sep. 2018, pp. 338-341. |
B. W. J. McNeil, C. Gerth, J. K. Jones, M. W. Poole, G. R. M. Robb, and N. Thompson, “Design Considerations for the 4GLS XUV-FEL”, in Proc. 27th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'05), Palo Alto, CA, USA, Aug. 2005, paper THPP025, pp. XX-XX. |
C. Behrens and C. Gerth, “Measurement of Sliced-Bunch Parameters at FLASH”, in Proc. 32nd Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'10), Malmö, Sweden, Aug. 2010, paper MOPC08, pp. 131-134. |