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Author: K. Batchelor


A. Carne, J. M. Dickson, S. Norcliffe, J. S. Webb, and K. Batchelor, “Reduction of Energy Spread on the Rutherford Laboratory PLA”, in Proc. 1968 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'68), Long Island, NY, USA, May 1968, paper E-13, pp. 416-425.
D. T. Palmer et al., “Microwave Measurements of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 Cell Photocathode RF Gun”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper WPB13, pp. 982-984.
D. T. Palmer et al., “Simulations of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 Cell Emittance Compensated Photocathode RF Gun Low Energy Beam Line”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper WXE03, pp. 2432-2434.
G. W. Wheeler et al., “Roundtable on Performance of New Linacs”, in Proc. 1970 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'70), Batavia, IL, USA, Sep.-Oct. 1970, paper A-9, pp. 99-105.
I. Ben-Zvi et al., “Design and Construction of a High-Duty-Factor Photocathode Electron Gun”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 3012-3015.
I. Ben-Zvi, X. J. Wang, K. Batchelor, and R. Malone, “Automatic Emittance Measurement at the ATF”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 2486-2489.
I. Ben-Zvi, X. J. Wang, K. Batchelor, M. Woodle, J. Sheehan, and D. Lynch, “Design and Construction of a Full Copper Photocathode RF Gun”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 3000-3003.
I. S. Lehrman et al., “The Grumman/Brookhaven High-Brightness, High-Duty Factor RF Gun”, in Proc. 1992 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'92), Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 1992, paper TU2-02, pp. 280-284.
J. M. Dickson, K. Batchelor, D. J. Warner, and A. Carne, “The Rutherford PLA and a Linac for the High Energy Accelerator Design Study”, in Proc. 1963 Conf. on Proton Linear Accelerators (LINAC'63), New Heaven, CT, USA, Oct. 1963, paper 12-02, pp. 404-420.
J. Smedley, K. Batchelor, J. P. Farrell, T. Srinivasan-Rao, and T. Tsang, “Emittance Measurements with a Pulsed Power Photo-Injector”, in Proc. 20th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'03), Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper ROAC003, pp. 541-543.

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