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Author: D. R. Walters


B. K. Stillwell et al., “Progress on the Design of the Storage Ring Vacuum System for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project”, in Proc. 8th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017, pp. 3590-3592.
B. K. Stillwell et al., “Research and Development on the Storage Ring Vacuum System for the APS Upgrade Project”, in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'16), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 92-95.
B. X. Yang, J. L. Bailey, S. J. Stein, and D. R. Walters, “Design of a High-Resolution Optical Transition Radiation Imager System for the Linac Coherent Light Source Undulator”, in Proc. 21st Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'05), Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper RPAT087, pp. 4209-4211.
D. R. Walters and L. H. Morrison, “Flexible and Telescopic Vacuum Chambers for the APS Bunch Compressor”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper WPAH031, pp. 2150-2152.
D. R. Walters and Q. Ma, “Secondary Electron Yield of a Thin Film Coating on the APS RF Cavity Tuners”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper WPAH032, pp. 2153-2155.
D. R. Walters et al., “Vacuum and Beam Diagnostics for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Undulator System”, in Proc. 30th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'08), Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2008, paper TUPPH089, pp. 455-458.
D. R. Walters, “Aluminum Coating in the Undulator Vacuum Chamber for the LINAC Coherence Light Source”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper MOPAN115, pp. 437-439.
G. Harris, Q. Ma, and D. R. Walters, “Coatings for the APS RF Cavity Tuners for the Reduction of Secondary Electrons”, in Proc. 18th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'99), New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper TUA115, pp. 1342-1344.
G. Pile et al., “Design and Construction of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Undulator System”, in Proc. 30th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'08), Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2008, paper THAAU01, pp. 460-466.
J. A. Carter et al., “Final Design of the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System”, in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'19), Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2019, pp. 315-317.

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