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Author: E. Laface


F. Grespan et al., “Status and overview of the activities on ESS DTLs”, in Proc. 14th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'23), Venice, Italy, May 2023, paper MOPL127, pp. 851-854.
E. Laface, G. Kontogiorgos, and J. Esteban Muller, “Analytical potential model for the Radio-Frequency Quadrupole at the European Spallation Source”, in Proc. 14th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'23), Venice, Italy, May 2023, paper WEPL106, pp. 3356-3358.
B. Folsom and E. Laface, “Relativistic beam loading and recoil effects using a covariant, retarded-potential iterator”, in Proc. 14th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'23), Venice, Italy, May 2023, paper WEPL105, pp. 3352-3355.
E. Laface, “Classification of potentials for self consistent symplectic space charge”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper MOPS07, this conference.
I. Vojskovic and E. Laface, “Advancing non-linear space charge simulations: neural networks and analytical approaches”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper MOPS08, this conference.
S. Johannesson et al., “Initial design of a proton complex for the Muon Collider”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper WEPR24, this conference.
E. M. Donegani et al., “The Beam Destinations for the Commissioning of the ESS High Power Normal Conducting Linac”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper FRC1I1, pp. 643-648.

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