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Author: M. Aslaninejad


J. Pasternak et al., “Studies for the PRISM FFAG Ring for the Next Generation Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'11), San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPZ004, pp. 826-828.
J. Pasternak, M. Aslaninejad, and C. Bontoiu, “Main Magnets Design Studies for the Non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerator for a Final Acceleration Stage of the Neutrino Factory”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'11), San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPZ006, pp. 829-831.
J. S. Berg et al., “A Non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerator for the Final Acceleration Stage of the International Design Study of the Neutrino Factory”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'11), San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPZ007, pp. 832-834.
A. Kurup et al., “The Muon Linac for the International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'11), San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPZ009, pp. 838-840.
J. Pasternak et al., “Status of the PRISM FFAG Design for the Next Generation Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper MOEPPB003, pp. 79-81.
J. S. Berg et al., “Status of the Non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Ring Design for the International Design Study of the Neutrino Factory”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper MOPPC049, pp. 241-243.
J. K. Pozimski and M. Aslaninejad, “Gabor Lens Focusing for Medical Applications”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper MOPPD036, pp. 442-444.
H. Witte, M. Aslaninejad, J. Pasternak, K. J. Peach, and T. Yokoi, “Conceptual Design of a Superconducting Septum for FFAGs”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper THPPD049, pp. 3620-3622.
A. P. Letchford et al., “Status of the RAL Front End Test Stand”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper THPPP051, pp. 3856-3858.
K. B. Beard et al., “Recent Progress Toward a Muon Recirculating Linear Accelerator”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper TUPPD008, pp. 1422-1424.

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