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Author: C. Zamantzas


F. Roncarolo et al., “Fast Spill Monitor Studies for the SPS Fixed Target Beams”, in Proc. 11th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'22), Kraków, Poland, Sep. 2022, pp. 522-526.
G. Bellodi et al., “Overview of the CERN LINAC4 Beam Instrumentation”, in Proc. 25th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'10), Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2010, paper THP007, pp. 770-772.
B. Salvachua et al., “Study of the performance and beam loss limitations during injection of high-intensity LHC proton beams”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper THPR31, this conference.
T. Lefèvre et al., “A Snapshot of CERN Beam Instrumentation R&D Activities”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper MOP009, pp. 49-53.
I. Dolenc Kittelmann et al., “Detector Response Studies of the ESS Ionization Chamber”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TUP004, pp. 183-186.

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