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Author: B. Sun


X. H. Wang, J. Fang, P. Lu, Q. Luo, B. Sun, and J. G. Wang, “Design of Beam Measurement System for High Brightness Injector in HLS”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH6REP061, pp. 4090-4092.
X. Sun et al., “The Design and Development of a 6 MeV X-Band On-Axis Coupling Standing Wave Linear Accelerator”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper FPAH094, pp. 3900-3902.
Y. B. Chen et al., “Calculation and Simulation of the Stripline Kicker Used in HLS”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH6REP081, pp. 4144-4146.
Y. Jin et al., “Machine Study and Improvement of the HLS Storage Ring”, in Proc. 18th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'99), New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper WEP59, pp. 2406-2408.
Y. L. Yang et al., “Beam Instabilities Measurement and Cures at HLS”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper MOPAN054, pp. 272-274.
Y. L. Yang et al., “Commissioning of the HLS Analog TFB System”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH6REP083, pp. 4150-4152.
Y. L. Yang, J. H. Liu, L. Liu, B. Sun, J. H. Wang, and K. Zheng, “The Measurement of Tune and Phase Space at HLS”, in Proc. 21st Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'05), Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper RPPT050, pp. 3114-3116.
Y. L. Zhao et al., “Dynamic Comparison With XAL and Tracewin Based on the Injector-I of China ADS Test Stand”, in Proc. 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14), Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 3572-3574.
Z. Li et al., “Beam Dynamics Design of China ADS Proton Linac”, in Proc. 26th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'12), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep. 2012, paper TUPB075, pp. 648-650.
Z. Li et al., “Beam Dynamics of China ADS Linac”, in Proc. 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB'12), Beijing, China, Sep. 2012, paper THO3A02, pp. 502-506.

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