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Author: M. Aiba


T. Schietinger et al., “Progress Report on the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper TUPPP065, pp. 1747-1749.
F. Antoniou et al., “Intrabeam Scattering Studies at the Swiss Light Source”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper TUPPR057, pp. 1951-1953.
M. J. McAteer, C. Carli, B. Mikulec, R. Tomas, and M. Aiba, “Preliminary Results of Linear Optics From Orbit Response in the CERN PSB”, in Proc. 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper TUPWO047, pp. 1973-1975.
M. B?Âge, M. Aiba, A. Saa Hernandez, and A. Streun, “Identification of Sources of Orbital Distortions in Corrector Space”, in Proc. 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper WEPME047, pp. 3034-3036.
M. Aiba, M. B?Âge, T. Garvey, N. Milas, A. Saa Hernandez, and A. Streun, “Extraction Beam Line for Light Sources”, in Proc. 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper WEPWA051, pp. 2232-2234.
M. Aiba, M. B?Âge, F. Marcellini, A. Saa Hernandez, and A. Streun, “Longitudinal Top-up Injection for Small Aperture Storage Rings”, in Proc. 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14), Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 1842-1844.
M. P. Ehrlichman, M. Aiba, and A. Streun, “Optimizing SLS-2 Nonlinearities Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Optimizer”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 486-488.
M. Aiba and M. B?Âge, “Local Orbit Response Matrix Measurement at SLS”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 1713-1715.
M. Aiba, M. P. Ehrlichman, and A. Streun, “Round Beam Operation in Electron Storage Rings and generalisation of Mobius accelerator”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 1716-1719.
A. Saa Hernandez and M. Aiba, “Investigation of the Injection Scheme for SLS 2.0”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 1720-1723.

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