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Author: T. Thuillier


A. C. C. Villari et al., “PK-ISIS: a New Superconducting ECR Ion Source at Pantechnik”, in Proc. 19th Int. Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'10), Grenoble, France, Aug. 2010, paper MOCOCK01, pp. 26-26.
A. Coly, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier, G. Gaubert, and A. C. C. Villari, “High Current Production with 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source”, in Proc. 19th Int. Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'10), Grenoble, France, Aug. 2010, paper MOPOT005, pp. 50-50.
A. Galat?á et al., “Towards the First Beams from the ADIGE Injector for the SPES Project”, in Proc. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 3647-3649.
A. Leduc et al., “Plasma Modelization and Study for the PHOENIX V3 ECR Ion Source”, in Proc. 23th International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'18), Catania, Italy, Sep. 2018, pp. 176-179.
B. S. Bhaskar et al., “Study on the Correlation between Energy Distribution of Electrons Lost from the Confinement and Plasma Bremsstrahlung on a min-B ECR Plasmas”, presented at the 24th International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'20), East Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2020, paper TUZZO03, unpublished.
C. Barue et al., “Status Report on Metallic Beam Production at GANIL/SPIRAL 2”, in Proc. 22nd Int. Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'16), Busan, Korea, Aug.-Sep. 2016, pp. 92-97.
C. Peaucelle et al., “First A/Q=3 Beams of Phoenix V2 on the Heavy Ions Low Energy Beam Transport Line of SPIRAL2”, in Proc. 19th Int. Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'10), Grenoble, France, Aug. 2010, paper TUCOAK01, pp. 75-77.
D. Boutin, F. R. Osswald, N. Yu. Kazarinov, C. Peaucelle, and T. Thuillier, “The RIB Dynamics of the SPIRAL 2 Transfer Line”, in Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology (HIAT'12), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2012, paper PO03, pp. 54-57.
E. H. M. Wildner et al., “Beta Beams for Precision Measurements of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper THPPP087, pp. 3939-3941.
E. H. M. Wildner et al., “Beta Beams: An Accelerator-based Facility to Explore Neutrino Oscillation Physics”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'11), San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper WEPS024, pp. 2535-2537.

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