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Author: M. Steck


M. Steck, C. Brandau, C. Dimopoulou, C. Kozhuharov, and F. Nolden, “A Novel Method for the Preparation of Cooled Rare Isotope Beams”, in Proc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10), Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper MOPD066, pp. 840-842.
M. Steck et al., “The Concept of Antiproton Accumulation in the RESR Storage Ring of the FAIR Project”, in Proc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10), Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper THPEC038, pp. 4140-4142.
M. Steck et al., “Advanced Design of the FAIR Storage Ring Complex”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper FR1GRI03, pp. 4246-4250.
S. A. Litvinov, A. Dolinskyy, O. E. Gorda, F. Nolden, and M. Steck, “An Alternative Ion-Optical Mode of the Recuperated Experimental Storage Ring (RESR)”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper FR5REP118, pp. 5056-5058.
A. Dolinskyy et al., “Stability Boundary of Ion Beams in the FAIR Storage Rings”, in Proc. 23rd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'09), Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH6PFP078, pp. 3886-3888.
M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, and F. Nolden, “Rare Isotope Accumulation and Deceleration in the NESR Storage Ring of the FAIR Project”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper TUPAN016, pp. 1425-1427.
R. Tolle et al., “HESR at FAIR: Status of Technical Planning”, in Proc. 22nd Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'07), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Jun. 2007, paper TUPAN024, pp. 1442-1444.
S. A. Litvinov et al., “Second-Order Correction in the Isochronous Mode of the Collector Ring (CR) at FAIR”, in Proc. 23rd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'12), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sep. 2012, paper TUPPB037, pp. 400-402.
M. Steck, “Current Plans for Beam Cooling at FAIR”, in Proc. 23rd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'12), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sep. 2012, paper TUZCH01, pp. 63-67.
S. A. Litvinov et al., “First Experimental Demonstration of the Extraction of Low Energy Beams from the ESR to the CRYRING@ESR”, in Proc. 25th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'16), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Nov. 2016, pp. 352-354.

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