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Author: B. Jones


D. J. Adams et al., “Beam Loss Control in the ISIS Accelerator Facility”, in Proc. 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB'12), Beijing, China, Sep. 2012, paper THO1C02, pp. 560-564.
D. J. Adams et al., “Beam Loss Studies of the ISIS Synchrotron Using ORBIT”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'12), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper THPPP088, pp. 3942-3944.
D. J. Adams et al., “Operational Experience and Future Plans at ISIS”, in Proc. 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB'16), Malmö, Sweden, Jul. 2016, pp. 333-337.
D. J. Adams et al., “Ring Simulation and Beam Dynamics Studies for ISIS Upgrades 0.5 to 10 MW”, in Proc. 54th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB'14), East Lansing, MI, USA, Nov. 2014, paper THO3LR02, pp. 374-378.
D. M. Harryman et al., “Beam Loss Monitoring in the ISIS Synchrotron Main Dipole Magnets”, in Proc. 7th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'18), Shanghai, China, Sep. 2018, pp. 236-239.
D. Noll et al., “First Beam Matching and Transmission Studies on the ESS RFQ”, in Proc. 31st Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'22), Liverpool, UK, Aug.-Sep. 2022, pp. 414-417.
D. W. Posthuma de Boer, C. Bovo, H. V. Cavanagh, B. Jones, A. H. Kershaw, and A. Pertica, “Performance of an In-Air Secondary Emission Grid Profile Monitor at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source”, in Proc. 8th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'19), Malmö, Sweden, Sep. 2019, pp. 407-411.
E. J. Brookes, H. V. Cavanagh, and B. Jones, “LOCO Corrections for Beam Trajectory Optimisation on the ISIS Accelerator”, in Proc. 9th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'20), Santos, Brazil, Sep. 2020, pp. 70-72.
E. Trachanas et al., “Automated Procedure for Conditioning of Normal Conducting Accelerator Cavities”, in Proc. 19th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'23), Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, paper TUPDP080, pp. 699-703.
E. Trachanas et al., “ESS RFQ Electromagnetic Simulations Using CST Studio Suite”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 2365-2368.

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