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Author: J. van Tilborg


A. Gonsalves et al., “Status of electron acceleration experiments at the BELLA center”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper MOPR50, unpublished.
A. J. Gonsalves et al., “Multi-GeV Plasma Acceleration Results at BELLA”, in Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'15), Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 1319-1324.
A. Picksley et al., “High-intensity pulse propagation in multi-GeV laser plasma accelerator stages”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper MOPR51, unpublished.
C. B. Schroeder et al., “Application of laser-plasma accelerator beams to Free-Electron Lasers”, in Proc. 34th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'12), Nara, Japan, Aug. 2012, paper THPD57, pp. 658-661.
C. B. Schroeder et al., “Free-Electron Lasers Driven by Laser-Plasma Accelerators Using Decompression or Dispersion”, in Proc. 35th Int. Free Electron Laser Conf. (FEL'13), New York, NY, USA, Aug. 2013, paper MOPSO69, pp. 117-121.
C. Toth, J. Faure, C. G. R. Geddes, W. P. Leemans, and J. van Tilborg, “Shaping of Pulses in Optical Grating-Based Laser Systems for Optimal Control of Electrons in Laser Plasma Wake-Field Accelerator”, in Proc. 20th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'03), Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper TPPG016, pp. 1840-1842.
D. L. Bruhwiler et al., “Open Source Software to Simulate Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 2925-2928.
D. T. Abell et al., “Thermal Modeling and Benchmarking of Crystalline Laser Amplifiers”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 2921-2924.
E. Esarey et al., “All-Optical Accelerator Experiments at LBNL”, in Proc. 20th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'00), Monterey, CA, USA, Aug. 2000, paper TH201, pp. 701-705.
G. R. D. Plateau et al., “Experimental Demonstration of Ultrashort J-Class Pulses in the Terahertz Regime from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator”, in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08), Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2008, paper WEPP138, pp. 2818-2820.

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