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Author: W. Wang


S. Karabekyan, J. Pflueger, L. Lin, Y. T. Liu, and W. Wang, “Use of Automation in Commissioning Process of the Undulators of the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser”, in Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'15), Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 2015, pp. 64-67.
W. Lawson et al., “Design Considerations of High Peak Power Gyroklystrons for Linear Colliders”, in Proc. 1988 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'88), Williamsburg, VA, USA, Oct. 1988, paper TH3-47, pp. 643-645.
C.-X. Tang et al., “Low Emittance and High Current Electron Linac Development at Tsinghua University”, in Proc. 28th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'16), East Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2016, pp. 17-21.
X. He, S. Q. Liao, J. Long, J. Shi, W. Wang, and L. Yang, “A Proposal of using Improved Rhodotron as a High Dose Rate Micro-focused X-ray Source”, in Proc. 13th Symposium on Accelerator Physics (SAP'17), Jishou, China, Aug. 2017, pp. 143-145.
S. X. Zheng et al., “Overall Design and Progress of XiPAF Project”, in Proc. 13th Symposium on Accelerator Physics (SAP'17), Jishou, China, Aug. 2017, pp. 183-185.
W. Lawson et al., “The Design of a High Power Gyroklystron for Supercollider Applications”, in Proc. 12th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'87), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1987, pp. 1904-1907.
J. Tang et al., “Extraction System Design for the CSNS/RCS”, in Proc. 10th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'06), Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 2006, paper TUPLS116, pp. 1777-1779.
Y. J. Pei et al., “Status of 200 MeV Electron Linac and Its Application”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TU4023, pp. 442-444.
L. Shang, W. Wang, J. Hong, Y. M. Lu, and Y. Zhang, “The Upgrading of HLS Linac Modulators”, in Proc. 21st Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'02), Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2002, paper TU451, pp. 434-436.
T. Boltz et al., “Accelerating Machine Learning for Machine Physics (an AMALEA-project at KIT)”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'19), New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2019, pp. 782.

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