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Author: J. Byrd


A. Zholents et al., “Development of a Source of Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses Based on the Electron Storage Ring”, in Proc. 18th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'99), New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper WEP44, pp. 2370-2372.
J. Hinkson, R. Keller, J. Byrd, and A. Lumpkin, “Commissioning of the Advanced Light Source Dual-Axis Streak Camera”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 6V005, pp. 775-777.
A. Jackson et al., “ALS-N - A Candidate for a Next-Generation Synchrotron Light-Source”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 6V006, pp. 778-780.
P. A. McIntosh et al., “Realisation of a prototype superconducting CW cavity and cryomodule for energy recovery”, in Proc. 13th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'07), Beijing, China, Oct. 2007, paper WEP33, pp. XX-XX.
J. Byrd, “Simulation of the ALS Longitudinal Multibunch Feedback System”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 2349-2352.
J. Byrd, “Study of Coupled-Bunch Collective Effects in the PEP-II B-Factory”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 3315-3318.
J. Byrd and S. Posen, “Welcome”, presented at the 32nd Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'24), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 2024, paper MOXA001, unpublished.
J. Byrd and S. Posen, “Closeout”, presented at the 32nd Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'24), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 2024, paper FRYA004, unpublished.

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