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Author: A. Lasheen


M. Bozatzis et al., “Tail population studies in the CERN Proton Synchrotron”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper THPC15, this conference.
M. Taquet et al., “Beam-cavity interaction in the CERN PS 80 MHz RF systems”, presented at the 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper THPC55, this conference.
G. Rumolo et al., “Beam Performance with the LHC Injectors Upgrade”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper MOA1I1, pp. 1-8.
M. Neroni, M. J. Barnes, A. Lasheen, A. Mostacci, B. K. Popovic, and C. Vollinger, “Beam Coupling Impedance of the Main Extraction Kickers in the CERN PS”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC4C1, pp. 178-182.
M. Slupecki et al., “Performance of the Ion Chain at the CERN Injector Complex and Transmission Studies During the 2023 Slip Stacking Commissioning”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper THAFP08, pp. 418-421.
A. Lasheen, H. Damerau, I. Karpov, G. Papotti, and E. T. Vinten, “Longitudinal Collective Effects at Beam Transfer from PS to SPS at CERN”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper THBP45, pp. 587-590.

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