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Author: P. D. Hermes


J. B. Potoine et al., “Benchmarks of Energy Deposition Studies for Heavy-Ion Collimation Losses at the LHC”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 1730-1733.
R. Cai et al., “Simulation of Heavy-Ion Beam Losses with Crystal Collimation”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 2082-2086.
P. D. Hermes, K. A. Dewhurst, A. S. Fomin, D. Mirarchi, and S. Redaelli, “Layouts for Feasibility Studies of Fixed-Target Experiments at the LHC”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 2134-2137.
G. Iadarola et al., “Xsuite: An Integrated Beam Physics Simulation Framework”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUA2I1, pp. 73-80.
B. Lindström et al., “Mitigating Collimation Impedance and Improving Halo Cleaning with New Optics and Settings Strategy of the HL-LHC Betatron Collimation System”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC4C2, pp. 183-187.
S. Redaelli et al., “Collimation of 400 MJ Beams at the LHC: The First Step Towards the HL-LHC Era”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper THBP49, pp. 603-606.
P. D. Hermes et al., “Collimator Scan Based Beam Halo Measurements in LHC and HL-LHC”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TU3C03, pp. 164-168.

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