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Author: L. Prever-Loiri


M. A. Gallilee et al., “Development of Aluminium Vacuum Chambers for the LHC Experiments at CERN”, in Proc. 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14), Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 2354-2356.
R. Salemme et al., “First Beam Test of Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) at Cryogenic Temperature in CERN SPS Accelerator”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 2616-2619.
F. Carra et al., “Crab Cavity and Cryomodule Development for HL-LHC”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper FRBA02, pp. 1460-1466.
C. Zanoni et al., “Design of Dressed Crab Cavities for the HL-LHC Upgrade”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB070, pp. 1284-1288.
S. Barri?¿re et al., “HOM Couplers and RF Antennas for HL-LHC Crab Cavities: Developments for Manufacturing”, in Proc. 20th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF'21), East Lansing, MI, USA, Jun.-Jul. 2021, pp. 303.
A. Gallifa Terricabras et al., “Optimizing the Manufacture of High-Purity Niobium SRF Cavities Using the Forming Limit Diagram: A Case Study of the HL-LHC Crab Cavities RFD Pole”, in Proc. 21th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'23), Grand Rapids, MI, USA, Jun. 2023, paper WEIXA03, pp. 627-633.

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