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Author: V. A. Karpov


Y. A. Bashmakov and V. A. Karpov, “Control of Duration and Time Uniformity of Beam Extracted from a Synchrotron.”, in Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'09), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 2009, paper THP058, pp. XX-XX.
Yu. A. Bashmakov, K. A. Belovintsev, V. A. Karpov, and P. N. Lebedev, “An Extraction of Electrons from a Synchrotron on Fourth Order Resonance”, in Proc. 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'90), Nice, France, Jun. 1990, pp. 1601-1604.
V. A. Karpov, A. V. Serov, and V. V. Mikhailin, “OPERATION OF SYNCHROTRON PAKHRA IN SYNCHROTRON RADIATION SOURCE MODE”, in Proc. 21st Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'08), Zvenigorod, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2008, paper WEAAU02, pp. XX-XX.

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