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Author: H. Brown


H. Brown et al., “Design, Fabrication and Testing of the BNL Radio Frequency Quadrupole Accelerator”, in Proc. 1984 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'84), Seeheim, Germany, May 1984, paper MOB0007, pp. 65-67.
H. Brown et al., “The New AGS Slow Beam Switchyard”, in Proc. 9th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'81), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1981, pp. 2985-2988.
J. Alessi et al., “The AGS H RFQ Preinjector”, in Proc. 1988 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'88), Williamsburg, VA, USA, Oct. 1988, paper MO3-59, pp. 196-198.
L. G. Ratner et al., “Commissioning the Polarized Beam in the AGS”, in Proc. 11th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'85), Vancouver, Canada, May 1985, pp. 1656-1659.
W. T. Weng, H. Brown, J. Claus, H. Foelsche, Y. Y. Lee, and E. Raka, “Beam Transfer from the AGS to ISABELLE”, in Proc. 8th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'79), San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 1979, pp. 3549-3552.
Y. Makdisi et al., “Acceleration of Polarized H- in the BNL 200 MeV Linac”, in Proc. 11th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'85), Vancouver, Canada, May 1985, pp. 3166-3169.

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