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Author: N. Ivanova


V. A. Pikalov et al., “First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator”, in Proc. 24th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'14), Obninsk, Russia, Oct. 2014, paper WEPSB19, pp. 197-199.
A. Y. Sotnikov et al., “Profiles and Intensities Measurments in the Diagnostic System of the Extracted Beams of the U-70 Accselerator”, in Proc. 22nd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'10), Protvino, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2010, paper TUPSA031, pp. 107-109.
A. Y. Sotnikov et al., “User Interface in the Diagnostic System of the Extracted Beams of the U-70 Accselerator”, in Proc. 22nd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'10), Protvino, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2010, paper WEPSB033, pp. 242-244.
V. Alferov et al., “A CRYO COMPLEX CONTROL”, in Proc. 19th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'04), Dubna, Russia, Oct. 2004, paper THFP09, pp. XX-XX.

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