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Author: A. Lukyantsev


V. A. Pikalov et al., “First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator”, in Proc. 24th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'14), Obninsk, Russia, Oct. 2014, paper WEPSB19, pp. 197-199.
A. Y. Sotnikov et al., “Profiles and Intensities Measurments in the Diagnostic System of the Extracted Beams of the U-70 Accselerator”, in Proc. 22nd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'10), Protvino, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2010, paper TUPSA031, pp. 107-109.
A. Y. Sotnikov et al., “User Interface in the Diagnostic System of the Extracted Beams of the U-70 Accselerator”, in Proc. 22nd Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'10), Protvino, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2010, paper WEPSB033, pp. 242-244.
V. Alferov et al., “A CRYO COMPLEX CONTROL”, in Proc. 19th Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'04), Dubna, Russia, Oct. 2004, paper THFP09, pp. XX-XX.
V. Alferov et al., “The UNK Control System”, in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'91), Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1991, paper S03SRD08, pp. 134-139.
A. I. Agueev et al., “Magnet Test Facility Control System for Superconducting Magnets of UNK”, in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'91), Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1991, paper S04SRS04, pp. 171-173.

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