A. Cabrespine, M.-P. Bourgarel, and Ch. Goldstein, “Correcting Coils of the Orsay 80-Inch Isochronous Cyclotron”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Sector-Focused Cyclotrons and Meson Factories (Cyclotrons'63), Geneva, Switzerland, Apr. 1963, paper CYC63F02, pp. XX-XX. |
C. Bieth, A. Cabrespine, and Ch. Goldstein, “Heavy Ion Injection for Stripping in the Central Region of the CEVIL”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Isochronous Cyclotrons (Cyclotrons'66), Gatlinburg, TN, USA, Aug. 1966, paper C-008, pp. XX-XX. |
C. Bieth, J. Arianer, J. Bosser, A. Cabrespine, and Ch. Goldstein, “A One MeV/Nucleon Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator”, in Proc. 1966 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'66), Los Alamos, NM, USA, Oct. 1966, paper X-06, pp. 508-510. |
E. Baron, C. Bieth, M. P. Bourgarel, A. Cabrespine, Ch. Goldstein, and T. Junquera, “Results Obtained from ALICE and Future Prospects (Invited paper)”, in Proc. 6th Int. Cyclotron Conf. (Cyclotrons'72), Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 1972, pp. 243-258. |