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Author: A. N. Puchkov


A. V. Nesterovich and A. N. Puchkov, “Experimental Investigation Results on the Versatile Injector of Ion, Electron, and Ion Electron Beams”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP4B10, pp. 1616-1618.
B. Yu. Bogdanovich et al., “THE OUTPUT BEAM-LINE AND A NOVEL ION SOURCE OF 2-MEV PROTON RFQ LINAC”, in Proc. 21st Russian Particle Accelerator Conf. (RuPAC'08), Zvenigorod, Russia, Sep.-Oct. 2008, paper THAPH03, pp. XX-XX.
B. Yu. Bogdanovich, A. V. Nesterovich, and A. N. Puchkov, “Experimental Study of System for a Simultaneous Bend of Unidirectional Electron and Proton Beams”, in Proc. 20th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'00), Monterey, CA, USA, Aug. 2000, paper MOE10, pp. 287-289.

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