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Author: V. Poncza


V. Poncza and A. Lehrach, “Search for Electric Dipole Moments at Cosy in J??lich - Spin-Tracking Simulations Using Bmad”, in Proc. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 914-917.
V. Poncza and A. Lehrach, “Search for Electric Dipole Moments at Cosy in J??lich - Spin-Tracking Simulations Using Bmad”, in Proc. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 914-917.
V. Poncza and A. Lehrach, “Simulation Model Improvements at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY Using the LOCO Algorithm”, in Proc. 12th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'21), Campinas, Brazil, May 2021, pp. 4111-4114.

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