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5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96)

5th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996

Published Sep 1996


J. A. Clarke and M. W. Poole, “Upgrading the Daresbury SRS with Additional Insertion Devices and its Implications for the Storage Ring Layout”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP026G, pp. 623-625.
J. I. M. Botman et al., “The Accelerating Cavity of the Racetrack Microtron Eindhoven”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP026L, pp. 1964-1966.
M. W. Poole and V. P. Suller, “Design Progress on DIAMOND, a Proposed UK National Light Source”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP027G, pp. 626-628.
J. I. M. Botman, C. H. Ph. Wassink, R. W. de Leeuw, and M. J. van de Sande, “Tank, Cell and Bridge Coupler Design for the CCL of the ESS Project”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP027L, pp. 1967-1969.
P. A. McIntosh, M. W. Poole, G. Saxon, and M. de Wijs, “Beam Energy Replacement in a Compact FEL”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP028G, pp. 727-729.
C. David, J. Jacob, A. Panzarella, J. P. Perrine, and J. L. Revol, “Construction of a Third RF Acceleration Unit for the ESRF Storage Ring”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP028L, pp. 1970-1972.
J. A. Clarke, M. W. Poole, and X. Queralt, “Optimizing DIAMOND Insertion Device Brightness”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP029G, pp. 629-631.
K. Kaspar and U. Ratzinger, “Design of the GSI 36 MHz RFQ Accelerator on the Base of Mafia Calculations”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP029L, pp. 1973-1975.
J. Feikes, “Reduction of Landau Damping in Hera”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP030G, pp. 1030-1032.
P. V. Belov and O. P. Lebedev, “A Second Harmonic in Ferrite Dominated Cavity of U-70”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP031L, pp. 1976-1978.

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