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5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96)

5th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996

Published Sep 1996


K. Akai et al., “The Input Coupler for the KEKB ARES Cavity”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP058L, pp. 2014-2016.
J. Rossbach, E. L. Saldin, E. A. Schneidmiller, and M. V. Yurkov, “Performance Limitations of an X-ray FEL”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP059G, pp. 733-735.
M. Akemoto, F. Hinode, K. Kubo, S. Sakanaka, and J. Urakawa, “High-power Test of a 714-MHz HOM-damped Cavity for the ATF Damping Ring”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP059L, pp. 2017-2019.
S. K. Nam, “Instability due to the Longitudinal Higher Modes in the Electron Storage Ring”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP060G, pp. 1063-1065.
N. Akasaka and T. Shintake, “A New RF Pulse-Compressor using Multi-Cell Coupled-cavity System”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP060L, pp. 2146-2148.
S. Hashimoto et al., “First Observation of Quasiperiodic Undulator Radiation”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP061G, pp. 2549-2551.
K. Asano et al., “HOM Absorbers of Superconducting Cavities for KEKB”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP061L, pp. 2127-2129.
H. Fukuma et al., “A Light-source Operation at the TRISTAN MR”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP062G, pp. 647-649.
K. Akai et al., “The SiC Absorber for the KEKB ARES Cavity”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP062L, pp. 2020-2022.
T. Ieiri, “Hysteresis Phenomena in Bunch Lengthening at the KEK Accumulation Ring”, in Proc. 5th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'96), Sitges, Spain, Jun. 1996, paper WEP063G, pp. 1066-1068.

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