6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98)
European Particle Accelerator Conference
Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998
Published Aug 1998
K. Eppley, N. M. Kroll, Z. Li, R. H. Miller, C. Nantista, and S. Tantawi, “A Four-Port Launcher for a Multi-moded DLDS Power Distribution System”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP30F, pp. 1779-1781. |
D. Barni et al., “SC Beta Graded Cavity Design for a Proposed 350 MHZ Linac for Waste Transmutation and Energy Production”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP30G, pp. 1870-1872. |
C. S. Chen, J. S. Chen, K. T. Hsu, K. K. Lin, and C. J. Wang, “Control Integration for the Injector in SRRC”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP31C, pp. 1658-1660. |
M. Castle et al., “Design and Operation of First-and Second-Harmonic Coaxial Gyroklystrons for Advanced Accelerator Applications”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP31F, pp. 1784-1786. |
C. T. Chen, K. T. Hsu, K. H. Hu, C. H. Kuo, and K. K. Lin, “Compensation Scheme of Elliptical Polarization from Bending Magnet at SRRC”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP32C, pp. 1664-1666. |
M. R. Arjona and W. Lawson, “Design of a 95 GHz, Multi-Megawatt Gyroklystron Amplifier for Advanced Accelerators”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP32F, pp. 1787-1789. |
G. Ambrosio and F. Broggi, “Study of the Power Deposition in the LHC Low-Beta Inner Triplet for a Nb3Sn Design”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP32G, pp. 1987-1989. |
M. Conde et al., “SRRC/ANL High Current L-Band Single Cell Photocathode RF Gun”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP33C, pp. 1441-1443. |
A. Beloglazov, E. Giannico, V. Nassisi, and A. Rain, “Emittance Measurements of Electron Beams Generated from Cu and Diamond Photocathodes”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP33G, pp. 1456-1458. |
C. Doerrenbach, “Safety Relief Valve to Protect the Cold Masses of the LHC”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper TUP34F, pp. 2155-2157. |
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