6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98)
European Particle Accelerator Conference
Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998
Published Aug 1998
B. Dehning et al., “Dynamic Beam Based Calibration Of Beam Position Monitors”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP04H, pp. 430-432. |
K. Blasche et al., “Commissioning of the Electron Cooling Device in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05A, pp. 550-552. |
M. N. H. Comsan, “Tandem Accelerator Facility at Inshas”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05C, pp. 2442-2444. |
V. A. Puntus and G. V. Romanov, “Multipactoring in the Beam Phase Monitor at MMF”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05D, pp. 1583-1585. |
L. Hermansson et al., “New Developments at CELSIUS”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05E, pp. 514-516. |
S. P. Moeller and J. S. Nielsen, “New Developments at the ASTRID Storage Ring”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05F, pp. 406-408. |
B. J. King, “Discussion on Muon Collider Parameters at Center of Mass Energies from 0.1 TeV to 100 TeV”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05G, pp. 841-843. |
E. Bravin, B. Dehning, and G. Mugnai, “Energy Calibration at LEP using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Probes”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05H, pp. 388-390. |
A. Andersson et al., “Electron Beam Characterization by Undulator Radiation”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05J, pp. 1635-1637. |
N. Baltateanu, M. Jurba, I. Spanulescu, and D. Stefanescu, “Formation of F2- Colour Centers in LiF Monocrystals by Electron Irradiation”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper WEP05K, pp. 2436-2438. |
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