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6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98)

6th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998

Published Aug 1998


N/A, “Measurement of the Optical Parameters of a Transfer Line Using Multi-profile Analysis beam transport, optics”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03B, pp. 891-893.
S. I. Kukarnikov, V. K. Makoveev, and A. Yu. Molodozhentsev, “Design of the Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets of the PRAMES”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03C, pp. 1213-1215.
A. Fabris, C. Pasotti, P. Pittana, and M. Svandrlik, “Coupled Bunch Modes Measurement System at ELETTRA”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03E, pp. 990-992.
P. Alferov, B. Bogdanovitch, A. Nestorovitch, V. Rassadin, and V. Senioukov, “Nonsynchronous Electron Transportation in Traveling Wave of Linac”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03F, pp. 1312-1314.
R. Nagaoka, “Modelling of a Linearly Coupled Machine using the Coupled-Response Matrix”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03G, pp. 912-914.
Y. K. Batygin, “Self-Consistent Beam Equilibrium and Halo-Free Beam Transport”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03H, pp. 1094-1096.
S. N. Andrianov, “High-Order Optics with Space-Charge: Analytical Approach”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP03J, pp. 1091-1093.
M. Giovannozzi, “Space-Charge Simulations Using Parallel Algorithms”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP04B, pp. 1189-1191.
W. T. Weng and S. Y. Zhang, “Beam Loading Issues for SNS Storage Ring”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP04C, pp. 1136-1138.
D. Davino, M. R. Masullo, V. G. Vaccaro, and L. Verolino, “Mode Matching Technique for a Lossy Pill-box Cavity”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper THP04D, pp. 1359-1361.

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