17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97)
Vancouver, Canada, May 1997
Masahiro Nomura, Hiroshi Takahashi, “Effect of the Long Solenoid Tunnel on the Growth of Emittance in the PNC High Power Electron Linac”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W018, pp. 2787-2789. |
T. Srinivasan-Rao et al., “Performance of Magnesium Cathode in the S-Band RF Gun”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W020, pp. 2790-2792. |
X. J. Wang and I. Ben-Zvi, “Longitudinal Emittance Compensation In a Photocathode RF Gun Injector”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W021, pp. 2793-2795. |
V. Volkov et al., “Beam Dynamics in RF-Gun Cavity with a Modified First Cell”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W022, pp. 2796-2798. |
P. G. O, J. A. Lancaster, J. M. J. Madey, R. Sachtschale, and C. R. Jones, “Single Bunch Injection System for an Electron Storage Ring Using an RF Photoinjector”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W024, pp. 2799-2801. |
D. Yu et al., “A Plane-Wave-Transformer Photoelectron Linac”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W025, pp. 2802-2804. |
A. V. Kiselev and V. D. Shiltsev, “Proposed Intense Positron Source for TESLA Based on HERA-e”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W028, pp. 2805-2807. |
J. Haimson, B. Mecklenburg, G. Stowell, and E. L. Wright, “A Fully Demountable 550 kV Electron Gun for Low Emittance Beam Experiments with a 17 GHz Linac”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W029, pp. 2808-2810. |
D. L. Friesel and R. W. Hamm, “Commissioning of the IUCF 7 MeV H$^-$ Linac”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W031, pp. 2811-2813. |
T. Asaka et al., “Performance of Electron Gun for SPring-8 Linac”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 3W032, pp. 2814-2816. |
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