17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97)
Vancouver, Canada, May 1997
J. Keil and D. Husmann, “Beam-Based Calibration of the Linear Optics Model of ELSA”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V004, pp. 1373-1375. |
M. Benedikt, “Lattices for Medical Synchrotrons Employing Active Scanning”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V007, pp. 1376-1378. |
M. Benedikt and C. Carli, “Matching to Gantries for Medical Synchrotrons”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V008, pp. 1379-1381. |
P. Belochitskii et al., “Beam Optics Issues for the Antiproton Decelerator”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V011, pp. 1382-1384. |
Y. Shoji, A. Ando, H. Tanaka, M. Takao, and K. Soutome, “Longitudinal Radiation Excitation of Quasi-Isochronus Storage Ring ``New SUBARU''”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V012, pp. 1385-1387. |
N. Huang, L. H. Jin, W. B. Liu, D. Wang, Z. T. Wei, and C. H. Yu, “Lattice Design of BTCF Storage Ring”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V013, pp. 1388-1390. |
A. Y. Molodozhentsev et al., “The Focusing Structure of the Prague Proton Synchrotron for Hadron Therapy”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V014, pp. 1391-1393. |
H. Koiso, H. Nakayama, K. Oide, and M. Tawada, “Dynamic Aperture with Multipoles of Special Quadrupole Magnets in the KEKB Interaction Region”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V015, pp. 1394-1396. |
C. Thomas Mottershead and D. Zumbro, “Magnetic Optics for Proton Radiography”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V016, pp. 1397-1399. |
N. Inabe and T. Katayama, “Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V017, pp. 1400-1402. |
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