17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97)
Vancouver, Canada, May 1997
W. W. MacKay, “An Interactive Beam Line Simulator Module for RHIC”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P075, pp. 2541-2543. |
F. Pilat, C. G. Trahern, J. Wei, T. Satogata, and S. Tepikian, “Modeling RHIC Using the Standard Machine Format Accelerator Description”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P076, pp. 2544-2546. |
Z. Greenwald and S. Greenwald, “3-D Numerical Field Calculations of CESR's Upgraded Superconducting Magnets”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P077, pp. 2547-2549. |
M. Dohlus, A. Kabel, and T. Limberg, “Wake Fields of a Bunch on a General Trajectory Due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P078, pp. 2550-2552. |
A. J, M. Dohlus, C. Rieckmann, and A. S. Omar, “Application of the GSM Method and TD Computation of the Long Range Wake in Linear Accelerator Structures”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P079, pp. 2553-2555. |
J. MacLachlan and J.-F. Ostiguy, “Enhancements to the Longitudinal Dynamics Code ESME”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P082, pp. 2556-2558. |
H. Gillespie and A. Brown, “Optics Elements for Modeling Electrostatic Lenses and Accelerator Components I. Einzel Lenses”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P084, pp. 2559-2561. |
H. Gillespie, W. Hill, M. Moore, A. Brown, C. Lampel, and R. Chris Babcock, “The Particle Beam Optics Interactive Computer Laboratory for Personal Computers and Workstations”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P085, pp. 2562-2564. |
H. Kawaguchi, K. Tsubota, and T. Honma, “Lorentz Group Lie Algebra Map of Ultra-Relativistic Radiating Electron”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P086, pp. 2565-2567. |
M. Giovannozzi, E. Todesco, A. Bazzani, and R. Bartolini, “PLATO, a Program Library for the Analysis of 4D Nonlinear Transverse Motion”, in Proc. 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97), Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 8P087, pp. 2568-2570. |
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