19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98)
Linear Accelerator Conference
Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998
Y. Sato et al., “Recent Developments at the NIRS-HIMAC Injector”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper MO4014, pp. 76-78. |
Y.-J. Chen, G. J. Caporaso, and A. C. Paul, “Controlling Backstreaming Ions from X-ray Converter Targets with Time Varying Final Focusing Solenoidal Lens and Beam Energy Variation”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TU4034, pp. 472-474. |
Y.-J. Chen, T. L. Houck, and W. M. Fawley, “Study of the Transverse Beam Motion in the DARHT Phase II Accelerator”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TU4033, pp. 469-471. |
Z. Huang and Y. Chen, “Simulation of Halo Formation in Breathing Round Beams in a Periodic Focusing Channel”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper MO4044, pp. 147-149. |
Z. Igarashi, E. Takasaki, T. Takenaka, and K. Nanmo, “A New RF System for the Debuncher at the KEK 40-MeV Proton Linac”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TH4070, pp. 929-931. |
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