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7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00)

7th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000

Published Aug 2000


O. B. Malyshev and A. Rossi, “Ion Desorption Vacuum Stability in the LHC - The Multigas Model”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP1B19, pp. 948-950.
O. B. Malyshev, “The Ion Impact Energy on the LHC Vacuum Chamber Walls”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP1B20, pp. 951-953.
K. Artoos et al., “Manufacture and Performance of the LHC Main Dipole Final Prototypes”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP1B21, pp. 2148-2150.
S. Chemli et al., “The CERN Engineering Data Management System -A Status Report”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A01, pp. 2450-2452.
P. Kowalczyk, A. Poncet, and B. Skoczen, “Layout and Design of the Auxiliary Bus-bar Line for the LHC Arc Main Cryostat”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A02, pp. 2456-2458.
P. Pugnat, T. Schreiner, and A. Siemko, “Investigation of the Periodic Magnetic Field Modulation inside Apertures of LHC Superconducting Dipole Models”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A03, pp. 2151-2153.
P. Pugnat, F. Rodriguez-Mateos, S. Sanfilippo, R. Schmidt, A. Siemko, and F. Sonnemann, “Quench Heater Experiments on the LHC Main Superconducting Magnets”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A04, pp. 2154-2156.
J.-B. Bergot et al., “A Modular Design for the 56 Variants of the Short Straight Section in the Arcs of the Large Hadron Collider LHC”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A05, pp. 2157-2159.
C. Hauviller, P. M. Ivanov, A. Poncet, Ph. Sacr?®, and Ph. Trilhe, “The Electrical Distribution Feed Box for the LHC Prototype Cell”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A06, pp. 2217-2219.
M. Bajko, F. Savary, and W. Scandale, “Geometry and Alignment Requirements for the LHC Main Dipole”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper THP2A07, pp. 2160-2162.

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