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19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01)

Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001


T. P. Hughes, D. P. Prono, W. M. Tuzel, and J. R. Vananne, “Design of Beam Cleanup Zone for DARHT-2”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH038, pp. 3311-3313.
R. P. Johnson and C. M. Ankenbrandt, “Cost and Performance of Rapid-Cycling Proton Synchrotrons”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH039, pp. 3314-3316.
S. A. Nikitin et al., “Development of Resonance Depolarization Method at VEPP-4 for High Precision Measurement of Tau Lepton Mass”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH041, pp. 3317-3319.
I. A. Koop et al., “Concept for a Polarised Electron-Proton Collider with 15-30 GeV c.m. Energy and 1033 cm-2s-1 Luminosity”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH043, pp. 3320-3322.
J. S. Berg, C. Johnstone, and D. Summers, “Dogbone Geometry for Recirculating Accelerators”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH044, pp. 3323-3325.
C. J. Gardner et al., “Status and Recent Performance of the Accelerators that Serve as Gold Injector for RHIC”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH045, pp. 3326-3328.
P. He, H. C. Hseuh, D. Raparia, N. Tsoupas, and D. Weiss, “SNS HEBT Momentum Scraper, H+ Ray Trace Simulation and Vacuum Chamber Design”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH046, pp. 3329-3331.
B. J. King, “High Energy Muon Colliders”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH047, pp. 3332-3334.
Z. Parsa, “Neutrino Factory based on Muon-Storage-Rings to Muon Colliders: Physics and Facilities”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH048, pp. 3335-3337.
Z. Parsa, “Higgs Factory and Potentials”, in Proc. 19th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'01), Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper RPPH049, pp. 3338-3340.

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