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14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91)

San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991


D. Wildman, “Transient Beam Loading Reduction During Multi-Batch Coalescing in the Fermilab Main Ring”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 410-413.
J. Milutinovic and A. G. Ruggiero, “First Turn Around Strategy for RHIC”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 413-416.
V. Ziemann, “Properties of the Longitudinal Equilibrium Distribution in a Storage Ring”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 416-419.
A. Nassiri and G. Mavrogenes, “A Study of Misalignment Effects of the ANL-APS Electron Linac Focusing System”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 419-422.
A. Furman, “Hourglass Effects for Asymmetric Colliders”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 422-425.
Helena Lindqvist, “IONSCAN: A Program for Optimizing Charge-State Combinations and Calculating Operating Parameters for the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 425-428.
M. Yoon, “A Study for Lattice Comparison for PLS 2 GeV Storage Ring”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 428-431.
K. A. Thompson and J. W. Wang, “Simulation of Accelerating Structures with Large Staggered Tuning”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 431-434.
S. Stahl and C. Ankenbrandt, “Tracking with Space Charge in the Fermilab Booster”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 434-437.
J. K. Boyd, “Emittance Measurement in a Magnetic Field”, in Proc. 14th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'91), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1991, pp. 437-440.

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