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4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71)

4th Particle Accelerator Conference
Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971

Published Jun 1971


D. E. McMillan, M. W. Collins, and R. Woods, “The LASL Multi-Computer Van de Graaf Control and Graphic Display System and Experiments wtih Automatic Beam Optimization”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 389-394.
D. M. Evans and F. H. G. Lothrop, “Digital Control of Bevatron Acceleration Cycle”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 394-399.
D. M. Evans, R. Frias, and B. Hordos, “Bevatron Guide Field Control”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 399-403.
S. Howry, R. Johnson, J. Piccioni, and V. Waithman, “SLAC Control Room Consolidation -- Software Aspects”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 403-405.
L. J. Besse, “Properties of a Parallel Digital Data Transmission Road" for Control Application"”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 405-407.
D. Kemp, R. Keyser, and L. Tausch, “Present Status of the Software for Computer Control in the CERN ISR Project”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 407-409.
K. Breymayer et al., “SLAC Control Room Consolidation Using Linked Computers”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 409-412.
R. Frankel and I. E. Pyros, “Computer Interface Design between a Master Computer and a Slave Computer for Simulation Control and Instrumentation Monotoring of the Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac Accelerator”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 412-414.
D. Fryberger and R. Johnson, “An Innovation in Control Panels for Large Computer Control Systems”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 414-418.
R. Frankel, “The Knife Switch, The Relay and The IC”, in Proc. 4th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'71), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1971, pp. 418-419.

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