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16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95)

Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995


D. G. Myakishev and V. P. Yakovlev, “The New Possibilities of SuperLANS Code for Evaluation of Axisymmetric Cavities”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC17, pp. 2348-2350.
S. A. Heifets, S. A. Kheifets, and B. Woo, “Transverse EM Fields in a Detuned X-band Accelerating Structure”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC18, pp. 2351-2352.
P. A. McIntosh, “RF Cavity Computer Design Codes”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC19, pp. 2353-2355.
Johannes van Zeijts, “Arbitrary Order Transfer Maps for RF Cavities”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC20, pp. 2356-2358.
N. Doinikov, V. Kukhtin, E. Lamzin, B. Mingalev, Yu. Severgin, and S. Sytchevsky, “The Computation of the Dynamic Inductance of Magnet Systems and Force Distribution in Ferromagnetic Region on the Basis of 3–D Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Field”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC21, pp. 2359-2360.
F. L. Krawczyk, “Advanced Electromagnetic Design of Cavities for High Current Accelerators”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC22, pp. 2361-2363.
H. Takeda and J. E. Stovall, “Modified PARMILA Code for New Accelerating Structures”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC23, pp. 2364-2366.
A. J. Riche, “Tracking Particles with Wake Fields and Space Charge Effects”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC24, pp. 2367-2369.
Z. Li and J. J. Bisognano, “On the Importance of Fourth Order Effects on Wakefield Calculations for Short Bunches”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC25, pp. 2370-2372.
M. Filtz, “Coupling Impedances of Muffin-Tin Structures with Closed and Open Sides”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper MPC28, pp. 2373-2375.

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