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1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88)

1st European Particle Accelerator Conference
Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988


G. Bohner and J. Tilmont, “The MIMAS and SATURNE Kicker Magnet Systems”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 973-976.
K. Bongardt and K. Kennepohl, “Determination of 100 psec Short Linac Bunches by Broadband Pickups and Reconstruction Technique”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 976-979.
R. Bossart, “Resonant Beam Position Monitor for Low Intensity Ion Beams”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 979-982.
C. Bourat, B. Aune, M. Jablonka, and J. M. Joly, “A 600 MHz Chopper System for an Electron Linac”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 982-985.
D. Boussard, H. P. Kindermann, and V. Rossi, “RF Feedback Applied to a Multicell Superconducting Cavity”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 985-988.
Ph. Bernard et al., “Test of a 352 MHz Superconducting Cavity in the CERN SPS”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 988-991.
D. Boussard, P. Baudrenghien, T. Linnecar, G. Rogner, and W. Sinclair, “The 100 MHz RF System for the CERN Collider”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 991-994.
M. Boussoukaya, H. Bergeret, R. Chehab, B. Leblond, and J. Leduff, “High Emissivity Photocathodes”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 994-997.
H. Braun, H. Herminghaus, and A. Streun, “The Gun/Chopper System for the MAINZ Microtron”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 997-1000.
G. Berg et al., “RF System of COSY Juelich”, in Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'88), Rome, Italy, Jun. 1988, pp. 1000-1003.

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