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1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76)

Linear Accelerator Conference
Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976


H. Haseroth and P. T?¬tu, “Recent Operation and Modifications on the CPS-50 MeV Linac (Old Linac)”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper PUB05, pp. 381-385.
H. Grunder and F. Selph, “The Status of the SuperHILAC”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper B01, pp. 54-61.
H. Deitinghoff, P. Junior, and H. Klein, “Properties of Heavy Ion Linacs with Alternating Phase Focusing”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper D11, pp. 238-244.
G. D??me, “The SPS Acceleration System Travelling Wave Drift-Tube Structure for the CERN SPS”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper C06, pp. 138-147.
G. Bianchi, G. Gourcy, J. F. Gournay, and M. Jablonka, “A Flexible Dialogue with the Computer in the Control Room of the Saclay's Linac”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper PUB01, pp. 369-371.
G. A. Loew, “Electron Linacs”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper D08, pp. 217-229.
E. Regenstreif, “Electrostatic Potential and Field of a Round Beam Coasting Off Axis in a Circular Vacuum Chamber”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper PUB10, pp. 399-401.
E. Jaeschke, G. Ihmels, H. Ingwersen, B. Kolb, R. Repnow, and Th. Walcher, “Postacceleration and Bunching of 150 MeV 58Ni Ions by Independently Phased Spiral Resonators”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper B10, pp. 112-114.
E. D. Bush, “Permanent Quadrupole Magnets”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper F11, pp. 363-368.
E. Boltezar et al., “Review and Status of the CERN New 50 MeV Linac Project”, in Proc. 1976 Proton Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'76), Chalk River, Canada, Sep. 1976, paper A06, pp. 45-48.

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