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1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90)

Linear Accelerator Conference
Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990


R. L. Sheffield, “Progress in Photoinjectors for Linacs”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU103, pp. 269-272.
C. Pellegrini, “Linacs for Free Electron Lasers”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU104, pp. 273-277.
G. J. Caporaso and A. G. Cole, “Design of Long Induction Linacs”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU201, pp. 281-285.
R. O. Bangerter and D. D-M. Ho, “Heavy Ion Induction Linacs for Fusion”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU202, pp. 286-288.
I. Hofmann, “Recent Development in Inertial Fusion Based on RF Acceleration”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU203, pp. 289-293.
J. Xie and R. Zhang, “A Scheme to Compensate the Transient Beam Loading in TW Electron Linacs”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU401, pp. 297-299.
G. A. Krafft, K. L. Mahoney, and S. N. Simrock, “Beam Loading Studies at CEBAF”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU402, pp. 300-302.
J. A. MacLachlan, F. E. Mills, and T. L. Owens, “Feed-Forward Compensation for Transient Beam Loading of the 805 MHz Debuncher for the Fermilab Linac Upgrade”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU403, pp. 303-305.
C. L. Bohn and J. R. Delayen, “Cumulative Beam Breakup in Radio-Frequency Linacs”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU404, pp. 306-308.
R. L. Gluckstern, J. B. J. van Zeijts, and F. Neri, “Suppression of Single Bunch Beam Breakup by BNS Damping”, in Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'90), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Sep. 1990, paper TU405, pp. 309-311.

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