17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15)
Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015
A-M. Valente-Feliciano, G. V. Eremeev, C. E. Reece, J. K. Spradlin, M. C. Burton, and R. A. Lukaszew, “Growth and Characterization of Multi-Layer NbTiN Films”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper TUBA08, pp. 516-520. |
A-M. Valente-Feliciano, G. V. Eremeev, C. E. Reece, J. K. Spradlin, S. Aull, and Th. Proslier, “Material Quality & SRF Performance of Nb Films Grown on Cu via ECR Plasma Energetic Condensation”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper TUPB029, pp. 622-625. |
A. A. Sulimov, “HOM Coupler Notch Filter Tuning for the European XFEL Cavities”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB067, pp. 1274-1276. |
A. A. Sulimov, “RF Analysis of Equator Welding Stability for the European XFEL Cavities”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB066, pp. 1272-1273. |
A. A. Sulimov, “RF Measurements for Quality Assurance During SC Cavity Mass Production”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper WEBA02, pp. 955-960. |
A. A. Sulimov, A. Ermakov, J. H. Thie, and A. Gresele, “Practical Aspects of HOM Suppression Improvement for TM011”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB068, pp. 1277-1278. |
A. Arnold et al., “RF Performance Results of the 2nd ELBE SRF Gun”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB055, pp. 1227-1230. |
A. Castilla and J. R. Delayen, “Analysis of a 750 MHz SRF Dipole Cavity”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper THPB047, pp. 1200-1204. |
A. D. Palczewski, G. K. Davis, F. Furuta, G. M. Ge, D. Gonnella, and M. Liepe, “Performance of Dressed Cavities for the Jefferson Laboratory LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule - With Comparison to the Pre-Dressed Performance”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper MOPB040, pp. 178-181. |
A. D. Palczewski, P. Dhakal, and C. E. Reece, “Analysis of BCS RF Loss Dependence on N-Doping Protocols”, in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'15), Whistler, Canada, Sep. 2015, paper MOPB039, pp. 174-177. |
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