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68th Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB'23)

68th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams
Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023

Published Mar 2024
ISBN 978-3-95-450253-0
ISSN 2673-5571


A. Oeftiger and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Space-charge Limits and Possible Mitigation Approaches in the FAIR Synchrotrons”, presented at the HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper MOA4I2, unpublished.
M. Zobov and M. Migliorati, “Collective Effects in Lepton Circular Colliders and Synchrotron Light Sources”, presented at the HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper MOA4I3, unpublished.
A. V. Burov, “Inverse Stability Problem in Beam Dynamics”, presented at the HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUA1I1, unpublished.
I. Karpov, “New Understanding of Longitudinal Beam Instabilities and Comparison with Measurements”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUA1I2, pp. 45-52.
A. Kobayashi, “Major Longitudinal Impedance Sources in the J-PARC Main Ring”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUA1C1, pp. 53-57.
Y. S. Yuan and G. Franchetti, “Coherent Dispersion Effects in 2-D Coasting Beams and 3-D Bunched Beams in High-Intensity Hadron Synchrotrons”, presented at the HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUA1C2, unpublished.
Y. K. Batygin, “Multi-beam Operation of LANSCE Accelerator Facility”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC1I1, pp. 58-64.
N. Chauvin et al., “30 kW Beam Commissioning of the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator IPHI: Experiments, Simulations and Space Charge”, presented at the HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC1I2, unpublished.
T. E. Thompson, A. V. Aleksandrov, T. V. Gorlov, K. J. Ruisard, and A. P. Shishlo, “Effect of Three-Dimensional Quadrupole Magnet Model on Beam Dynamics in the FODO Line at the Spallation Neutron Source Beam Test Facility”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC1C1, pp. 65-67.
A. M. Hoover, A. V. Aleksandrov, S. M. Cousineau, K. J. Ruisard, A. P. Shishlo, and A. P. Zhukov, “The Impact of High-Dimensional Phase Space Correlations on the Beam Dynamics in a Linear Accelerator”, in Proc. HB'23 (HB), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2023, paper TUC1C2, pp. 68-72.

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